Name Imechko2015-10-10 10:45:05
Name Imechko, 2015-10-10 10:45:05

What is the difference between VPS Linus and VPS Windows?

What is the difference between VPS Linus and VPS Windows?
I want to try VPS for my projects. Since there are many of them, the choice fell on VPS, but what is the difference between VPS Linus and VPS Windows? Linus VPS prices are lower than Windows VPS.

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5 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2015-10-10

operating system, Linux is taken for the site, windows - for Khrumer

Saboteur, 2015-10-10

You generally have strange questions and comments.
If you don't know what Linux is, why do you need a Linux VPS?
If you want to try - put Linux at home on a separate screw, see what it is. Install it at home in a virtual machine, see if you can handle it or not, and then order a VPS.
If you don't know if you can put a website on Windows, then why would you buy a VPS at all? What is the problem with trying all this first on a home machine, and then, already knowing how and what to do, buy yourself a VPS?
Or do you think that VPS does everything for you?
No, it is needed only so that it is always on and always on the Internet, and at the same time it does not buzz at your home.

Name Imechko, 2015-10-10

If I'm with Linux on you, can I handle it?

justhostRU, 2020-11-23

windows VPS is more expensive - a license is required.
connection is usually via RDP, WIMP GUI.
linux is usually via console ssh, but a windows interface can also be installed without problems and cheaper. and there are many ways to connect, for example via VNC.

Leonid, 2021-07-26

MetaTrader on an inexpensive Windows VPS

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