Vasya902021-02-03 13:12:51
Vasya90, 2021-02-03 13:12:51

What is the difference between belongsTo and hasOne relationships?

Can someone explain in simple terms what is the difference between them. Without parcels to Google and documentation.

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2 answer(s)
jazzus, 2021-02-03

Laravel will tell you the difference if you do not prescribe keywords. You can write incorrect keywords in the hasOne/belongsTo relationship and everything will work. But the relationship will be drawn incorrectly.
There are 2 differences.
When user hasOne/hasMany phones Laravel expects this model id (User) to be equal to user_id in Phone
When phone belongsTo user Laravel expects this user_id of model (Phone) to be equal to model id in
User its id is in the Phone model, but the phone_id is not in the User model. Therefore User hasOne Phone and Phone belongsTo User.
Correct: The user has one phone. The user has many phones. The phone belongs to the user.
The fact that the phone has a user is now common, but logically incorrect)
Briefly speaking. In user we prescribe hasOne phone / hasMany phones. In Phone belongsTo user.

Sergey delphinpro, 2021-02-03

hasOne - a one-to-one relationship
example: the user has only one phone and the phone has one owner (user)
belongsTo - this is a one-to-many return
Example: the user has several phones, but each phone has one owner.
This means that the relation in the User model will be hasMany, and in Phone - belongsTo

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