Vanya Huk2017-09-02 21:17:28
Vanya Huk, 2017-09-02 21:17:28

What is the correct way to write with with aggregate functions?

There are 2 tables: products and reviews .
Products store information about a product, and reviews store reviews about it.
And there is a relationship:

public function rev()
       return $this -> hasMany( Review::class )-> whereVerify(1);

it works, everything is fine, but, I need to count the number of reviews itself.
When I do it like this
public function rev_count()
       return $this -> hasMany( Review::class )-> whereVerify(1) -> count();

and output:
$product = Product::whereId(1)->first();

echo $product -> rev_count();

everything works, but I need to return the number of reviews in this way:
$product = Product::whereId(1) -> with('rev_count')->first() -> toJson();

last one throws a bug
  Call to a member function addEagerConstraints() on integer

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2 answer(s)
miki131, 2017-09-03


Muhammad, 2017-09-04

https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/eloquent-relationships , section Counting Related Models

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