Dmitry2017-05-26 13:17:33
Dmitry, 2017-05-26 13:17:33

What is the correct way to use reducer?

Help advice. I started learning redux and got a little stuck on compiling a reducer.

const initialState = {state: 'start'};

export default function stateGame(state = initialState, action) {
    switch (action.type){
        case 'CHANGE_GAME_STATE':
            return {state: action.payload};
            return state;

This reducer should change the state of the game. That is, I pass the state to payload (for example, end, start, pause) and then change the state of the component. Or it would be more correct to make such a reducer
const initialState = {state: 'start'};
export default function stateGame(state = initialState, action) {
    switch (action.type){
        case 'GAME_START':
            return {state: 'start'};
        case 'GAME_END':
            return {state: 'end'};
        case 'GAME_PAUSE':
            return {state: 'pause'};
            return state;

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2 answer(s)
alvvi, 2017-05-26

Everything is in the docks on this subject, albeit in a not entirely obvious place
That is: at your discretion.
I personally prefer the first option, but the second one is more "understandable".

Nikita Gushchin, 2017-05-29

Focus on the logic of your application.
If you need to register for GAME_START\GAME_... messages, then the second option is also possible. But the first one looks prettier. Unless, of course, you make several action creators for it like: startGame, endGame, pauseGame

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