Gleb2021-03-10 12:08:41
Gleb, 2021-03-10 12:08:41

What is the correct way to call a function?

I decided to drag the code into an external method and everything fell apart.
what is the right way to put f into the parabol parameter? or other ways to correctly call a function without errors.

func f(x: Double) -> Double {
    return x*x 

func parabol() -> Void {
    var : Double = 1e-6

    var x = [Double]()

// Cannot call value of non-function type '[Double]'
    var f = [Double]()
    f.append(f(x: x[0]))
    f.append(f(x: x[1]))
    f.append(f(x: x[2]))

and so
func parabol() -> Void {

// Type of expression is ambiguous without more context
        x.sort { (one, two) in return f(x: one) < f(x: two) }


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1 answer(s)
iMaximus, 2021-03-10

func f(x: Double) -> Double {
    return x*x

var x = [Double]()

func parabol() {
    //var g: Double = 1e-6

// Cannot call value of non-function type '[Double]'
    var y = [Double]()
    y.append(f(x: x[0]))
    y.append(f(x: x[1]))
    y.append(f(x: x[2]))

func parabolN() {
// Type of expression is ambiguous without more context
   x.sort { (one, two) in return f(x: one) < f(x: two)

I don't know why, but it doesn't need to be written like that. Plus, you can't declare a function with the same name twice.

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