melnikov_m2017-07-04 10:34:26
melnikov_m, 2017-07-04 10:34:26

What is the correct way to build a new index on a large table?

There is a big table, more than 15 million records. Building a new composite index from 3 fields took more than an hour in the "copy to tmp table" stage, after which I got tired of waiting, I realized that it was a bad job and canceled the process)
Are there any recommendations to speed up this process? change some server settings or something like that?

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2 answer(s)
Fortop, 2017-07-04

The question has already been repeatedly raised
The general principle of updating the structure of large or loaded tables.
It concerns both indexes and adding/removing columns
For indexes, it will be faster to turn them off first, insert all the data. And only then create indexes

Swartalf, 2017-07-04

It won't be faster, but without a global lock on the base.
For example, I added an index to a table of ~ 30Gb or 40 million records, it took about an hour

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