Evgeny Popov2020-02-14 17:17:12
Apache HTTP Server
Evgeny Popov, 2020-02-14 17:17:12

What is the correct syntax for an If-statement in apache2?

apache2.4 introduces if branch statements.
In order not to produce the same virtual hosts, I decided to make one, but use the branch operator in different parts.
There is such a site:
< VirtualHost *: 80 *: 8001 >
In it I write the expression:
< If "%{SERVER_PORT} == '8001'" >
Redirect .......
< /If >
But the redirect works on both ports . If you write !=, then the redirect does not work on any port. How to check the port? On the official site in the documentation I did not find examples with ports.

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1 answer(s)
Viktor Taran, 2020-02-14

do not invent a bicycle from scratch.
You need to generate configs for each site. Therefore, this whole hat too.
All your ifs must be in the generator template.

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