driverx182019-08-11 22:26:40
driverx18, 2019-08-11 22:26:40

What is the best way to write a telegram bot in PHP?

There is an experience of creating a bot in a cart where in index.php all the code is covered with ifchiks, I used https://github.com/irazasyed/telegram-bot-sdk
, it is clear that the solution with index.php for a large bot will be a failure, so I want to ask , which stack to use:
1) Framework + liba that I described above
2) Botman
3) Your option
I would be grateful for the answer, and if possible, with an explanation of why to use this or that stack
Thank you

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3 answer(s)
OnYourLips, 2019-08-11

On the ready decision if it suits.
If not satisfied, then write your own in ReactPHP.
Of these options, Botman is built on top of ReactPHP, which is my choice.

lil_koi, 2019-08-12

keep https://habr.com/ru/post/456240/

Big_Shark, 2019-08-12

https://github.com/greenplugin/color-extractor-bot Here you can take a simple but extensible example of a bot implementation in conjunction with symphony.

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