weredy2016-06-16 13:21:51
weredy, 2016-06-16 13:21:51

What is the best way to start passenger?

The task was to run the ruby ​​application server on the existing web server on which nginx + apache is already running and this business is managed through vestacp.
1: Nginx with passenger support is a recompiled nginx, which essentially needs to replace mine, beautiful good and from the repositories.
2: Connect as an apache module.
3: Run as standalone and proxy from working nginx there.
Which option to choose?

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2 answer(s)
Карим Кьятлоттьяви, 2016-06-16

Passenger есть в пакетах и там конфиги nginx будут в нужных местах. Я бы посоветовал именно так ставить.

nikolayvaganov, 2016-06-17

Забудьте про passenger, под нагрузкой ведет себя адово. Под боевыми проектам сейчас использую rubyenv + puma unix socket + nginx.

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