alexeymo2014-12-02 11:55:32
alexeymo, 2014-12-02 11:55:32

What is the best way to show MongoDb ObjectId in url?

Good afternoon. Please tell me, is it normal (safe) to show a url like somedomain/article/547c42c5bedf0b60575439c0/, where 547c42c5bedf0b60575439c0 is an ObjectId from MongoDb?

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2 answer(s)
Artem, 2014-12-02

First link on google stackoverflow.com/questions/8561485/are-ids-object...

Alexander, 2015-04-29

There is a book about mongodb in Russian Kyle Banker "MongoDB in action" 2012 , it describes on the 96th page how not to show id in the url.
In short, the point is that you simply make an additional field for the object (in the book it is called slug) and write some human-readable text in Latin without spaces into it, show it in the URL. It turns out somedomain/article/kak_ya_izuchal_mongo

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