massef2014-06-11 16:57:35
massef, 2014-06-11 16:57:35

What is the best way to prevent an element from loading on a mobile device?


Please tell me how it would be more correct to prohibit the loading of an element on mobile devices.
For example, I need to disable the initialization of the slider at a resolution of 320px / 568px and remove its block in HTML

1. Use modernizr

     // код или вызов плагина

2. Stupidly checking for window width
if($(window).width() >= 320){
     // код или вызов плагина
     // этот код сработает только при ширине равной или больше 320

If you use modernizr, then how to deal with other mobile phones in this case, add checks for the OS, touch events, etc.?
Or are there other ways?

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4 answer(s)
Max, 2016-01-23

Didn't understand the point.
I generally close the menu from above, add margin-top to the container. If you want the block to be full screen in min-height: 100% height, there will most likely be a problem with size inheritance, so all blocks "parents" min-height: 1px, min-height: 100% including body and html;
blocks then height: 50%
upd: I see that the height is inline.
If in width, then min-width is some kind, because the positions of the elements are set somehow and media (max-width: 1366px) .cell-pf
I would have done it differently in general, they gave me a cap for such a layout in the office :)
Specify the task, I will explain

Dimitriy, 2014-06-11

You can also use Modernizr

    test: 320 >= window.screen.width,
    yep:   "big.js",
    nope: ["small.js", "small.css"]

Dmitry Pyatkov, 2014-06-11

via css media query:

@media (max-width: 320px) {
  .block {

lifecom, 2014-07-11

Conditional Loading for Responsive Web Design

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