postgresdev2019-06-24 17:58:37
postgresdev, 2019-06-24 17:58:37

What is the best way to organize search using ElsaticSearch and Symfony 3.4?

1. Interested in what can be used ready-made (bundle, methods)
2. There are a large number of goods in postgresql (800k-1 million or 10 million, I don’t know for sure), how to pour them into elasticsearch?
3. Do they do an analogue of join in elasic search or is all data stored in one table in the usual way (fields are duplicated)

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1 answer(s)
grinat, 2019-06-25

1 They have offline libraries for php
2 Elastic has everything via rest api
3 There are no tables, there are collections. This is a document base, where the document is completely laid down with all the links, so there are no joins.

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