Alexey Ovdienko2015-06-19 12:54:39
Alexey Ovdienko, 2015-06-19 12:54:39

What is the best way to host a project on flask?

There is a ready-made project with its dependencies to the flask. You need to host carefully on free hosting. But the nuance is that the project works with sqllite and Heroku does not support such databases at all. Pythonenywhere is also crap: I set it up as per the tutorial, playing with virtualenv, but did not understand how it works with virtualenv, if the user (me) only enters the path to it and changes wsgi files. Concerning the last hosting. I deployed it in the same way as on a PC, added all the dependencies to the virtualenv and still does not work.

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4 answer(s)
Vadim Galtsev, 2015-06-19

Take a cheap VDS and deploy anything there)

Dmitry Shinkar, 2015-06-19

Upload these questions to the tech support of free hosting - let them be stunned :D

stayHARD, 2015-06-19

Heroku works with sqlite3

REDkiy, 2016-04-14

Greenberg's book "Developing Web Applications with Flask in Python" has a step-by-step description of how to deploy to Heroku.

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