Anton2015-10-16 21:17:32
Anton, 2015-10-16 21:17:32

What is the best way to get basic programming knowledge?

Hello! I am a front-end shitcoder) I know PHP, JS and jQuery a little (taught by learn.javascript.ru and Codeacademy), but I don’t have a specialized technical education and I don’t know a lot of things, like building the right algorithms, programming paradigms, etc. .d.
Only now I have come to understand that without this it is impossible to move on.
Now the question is - how best to get this knowledge? Get a second degree? Or read some books on your own? I do not have a goal of becoming a cool coder, I want to know all this, mostly for myself.

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5 answer(s)
Alexander Latyshev, 2015-10-16

Set yourself a task (for example, write a Tetris or a snake) and implement it.

JihadTV, 2015-10-16

Here is a great option https://map.hexlet.io/stacks/php
Another option is to learn SICP, TAPL. After them, 100% lvlap in coding will be.

⚡ Kotobotov ⚡, 2015-10-16

Well, study books, there are like the basics of algorithms and data structures, then like advanced algorithms and additional data structures, then there you can sort out the contests.
well, of course, read other people's projects, source codes, and write your own.

Super User, 2015-10-16

Shut up and go to work. The customer needs the result, not your algorithms. For 5 years of work as a programmer, I understood the following idea very clearly: habrahabr.ru/post/256175
PS And yes, you still need a diploma. But what is paradoxical is that it will be required exactly where these very algorithms will be needed. Basically, these are large software development companies, where code culture is at the forefront.

Remixez, 2015-10-16

There are many books on algorithms and the like.
Youtube is also full of videos on this topic. The main desire, the material is full. You don't need a diploma.

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