Talgat Baltasov2015-11-11 07:39:31
Talgat Baltasov, 2015-11-11 07:39:31

What is the best way to develop an online store that uses big data?

Hello everyone
I want to develop my bike for training and in the future use it as my experience in freelancing. I’m trying to write a regular online store, but I want to store in the database where the user went (even if he didn’t register), what goods he is interested in, if he doesn’t buy, send letters, if the cart is abandoned, then send letters as well. And so at each call of the controler it will not cause strong loading? And nothing that there will be millions of lines in the database and can I safely process them?
mysql base, yii2 framework

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4 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2015-11-11

it doesn’t even smell like a bigdata here, the level of the project is homemade houmpaga,
such functionality is in a bunch of stores, that is, banality

Andrey Nikiforov, 2015-11-11

People do it, it’s not rocket science and not even big data (big data doesn’t have clear criteria at all when it’s big and when it’s not)
Mysql will sink of course if you store everything in one table. You need to partition.
Temporary data (for unregistered users) is not fatal to store in memory (Redis) - it will be faster.
I can’t say anything about the load on controllers - I don’t work with Yii. But I don’t think that this is such a big problem - when displaying a product to a specific user, check the session and write viewing data to the database.
In general, I do not see anything complicated.

Andrew, 2015-11-11

First, in Redis, for example (you create a queue), well, you write each user’s cookie and his action accordingly. you perform all the actions that you need and you will be happy .... if there is no ice in the muscle right away ... The main thing then is what will you do with this temporary data? because you have neither age nor gender, etc. to do targeting... well, if you then somehow connect then yes.

spotifi, 2016-05-19

MySQL for BigData - yes, it's strong)))
1. To use MySQL for BigData, you will have to keep a whole farm of hundreds of MySQL and somehow manage this farm.
2. Millions of rows - this is easy for modern databases. With proper programming, MySQL won't even break a sweat. This is not BigData.
3. If you want BigData, study, for example, the Cassandra database. Explore the Yandex.Elliptics repository. Etc.

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