i__egor2019-04-25 16:16:14
i__egor, 2019-04-25 16:16:14

What is the best way to bake light for a mobile game?

Let's say we have a rather simple low-poly scene with 5-10 types of objects, there are 100 of them in total. There is a terrain. I tried to bake lighting with different settings, it turns out either badly and quickly, or a little better than bad, but very long and the map takes up a lot of space. The scale of objects is different, the Lightmap Size is the same for all. It would be nice in such cases to set the size of the lightmap separately for different objects - make it big for the terrain, and make it smaller for trees, stones and other things.

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1 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2019-04-25

It would be nice in such cases to set the size of the lightmap separately for different objects - make it big for the terrain, and make it smaller for trees, stones and other things.

And what, in fact, was the matter?
Without knowing the context, by the way, it would be better to do the opposite - to make the lightmaps smaller for the terrain.

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