heinehen2020-12-31 19:25:44
Probability theory
heinehen, 2020-12-31 19:25:44

What is the amount of time to learn theorver?

Happy holidays, colleagues!
I suddenly had a question, kind of stupid.
Namely, how much time (hours) was devoted to studying probability theory in past years (at universities, as a rule)?
Suppose, in the 19th century (as an option, at the very end of the existence of the Russian Empire), in the 30s (before the war), in the 50-70s and now.
This is due to the fact that I have a strong belief that we are being taken for fools, that is, it is impossible to study the theory of probability qualitatively in 140-180 academic hours and at the same time pass this discipline perfectly.
Kindly, develop my doubts or nevertheless confirm them.
Thanks for answers.

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2 answer(s)
Alexander, 2020-12-31

Nobody is holding you. Get smarter. The teacher gives a list of recommended literature, but this does not mean that you need to limit yourself to it. 180 hours are devoted to checking the correctness of the knowledge obtained independently. If I need to, I can always open Google, find literature and read, and the course for all specialties is different, I have 130 hours.

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