Alexey Likhachev2014-03-06 15:19:49
Online shopping
Alexey Likhachev, 2014-03-06 15:19:49

What is OWOX written in? Should I choose it as an engine for an online store?

We held an online demo presentation, I was not particularly impressed with the functionality out of the box and the basic template in which everything does not always work correctly, in the examples of work on this engine there are shops with highly customized functionality, which, it seems, is not in the maximum edition.
Who can say anything about this engine for an online store? Is it worth it to choose to solve set, set up and "forgot"? Either constant improvements, complex architecture.....
What would you recommend in terms of a good commercial engine for an online store? The budget in terms of one-time investments is not particularly important, the main thing is the possibility of easy support.

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Fedyuk, 2014-09-07

Many large and well-known stores are powered by Magento Commerce .
Unlike OWOX, Magento technology has formed an ecosystem of specialists, ready-made software products (extensions, integrations, design themes), accumulated knowledge base (manuals, thematic blogs, forums, training courses).
Auchan, Lamoda, Philips, Huawei and others work among Russian online stores on Magento (the link above leads to a selection I compiled).
There is a Russian edition of Magento , it is used by over 250 stores in Russia and the CIS.
When “the budget in terms of one-time investments is not particularly important,” I recommend also looking at such systems as:
These platforms serve the largest clients.
At the same time, they have the disadvantages of OWOX: closed technology, weak ecosystem (few specialists, ready-made software solutions, knowledge base).
Also they are quite inexpensive.

Foshvad, 2014-12-03

outlet on oscommerce

it's certainly cute :)
Eldorado sits on Bitrix
is also not true for either Russian or Ukrainian El Dorado.

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