IvanMogilev2020-08-24 14:40:48
IvanMogilev, 2020-08-24 14:40:48

What is my mistake with migrations?

I generate migrations through gii, a file is created in frontend/migrations, I take a file from a git on another server, I write php yii migrate and I get
Yii Migration Tool (based on Yii v2.0.37)

No new migrations found. Your system is up-to-date.

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2020-08-24

Good afternoon.
For advanced, specify the path to migrations --migrationPath="@frontend/migrations" .
In order not to specify the path - place the migrations in the directory intended for this (if I'm not mistaken - console / migrations for advanced).
And why generate migrations through gii if there is a special console command
php yii migrate/create migrate_name for this ? If you make migrations using this command, then the files will be added where they should be.
ps Through gii do not create migrations)))

Bogdan Khvalko, 2020-08-24

Writes that there are no new migrants. Clean up the "migration" table, or use the command to update the tables.

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