omnibus2018-04-06 12:20:47
omnibus, 2018-04-06 12:20:47

What is Java used for on the modern web?

The more I immerse myself in Java, the more I get the feeling that it is currently only used to create intranet projects within enterprise companies that need code stability and long-term support, as well as to support their legacy projects.
There are also a lot of reviews on the Internet that people are leaving Java for Python and sighing with relief. Is it true that Java is an obsolete language? After all, even Android developers are increasingly moving to Kotlin.
I don't really understand why Java is the most popular language.
Are there any cases where a software architect chooses Java to create a new INTERnet project?
Conversely, when would a software architect choose Django or ROR to create a new INTRAnet project?

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6 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-04-06

It looks like you didn't dive very deep. For small and medium, simple sites, Python is better than Java, as it allows you to rivet them faster and easier. You can read an explanation for this here. But for large resources with high requirements for reliability and low cost of many years of maintenance, such as ebay.com, Java has not yet come up with anything better.
And the departure of android developers to Kotlin is a myth and hype.

Alexey Cheremisin, 2018-04-06

Here I am, just escaping back to reality after 8 years of python programming!
And I am incredibly pleased with this - java8 has become very, very pleasant, but as a bonus, the increase in speed on my application is 200x!
And so, at least I recommend looking at jooby.org, sparkjava.org and, of course, spring boot for the web.
We are just writing a market on jooby, very fun and modern.
Yes, I haven't looked at Kotlin yet.

Alexey Nikolaev, 2018-04-06

Not more than a month ago, I wrote a front for a service with a backend on the Spring Java framework. So it is used for the same thing as a python with puff.

Igor, 2018-04-06

Almost all client banks (for physicists, not to mention legal entities) work in java
and no one in their right mind would write such software in Python or ROR (is it still alive?)

ivodopyanov, 2018-04-06

With yesterday's students, a lot of Java code will almost certainly be more understandable and maintainable than a lot of Python code.
Java is used for large and long term products.
Python, on the other hand, allows you to do something quickly.

asd111, 2018-04-06

Odnoklassniki in java

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