jundevtut2018-07-25 21:28:09
jundevtut, 2018-07-25 21:28:09

What is it and where can I read "+ name +" Python about it?

Hello! Below is a code example, interested in "+name+", or rather, what is it called and where can I read about such things? There is an understanding that this is a separation of a variable from the text, but here is where it can be used, etc. there is no understanding.

name = input()
print('Здравствуйте, ' + name + '!')

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2 answer(s)
DevMan, 2018-07-25

concatenation (connection) of strings

Tim, 2018-07-27

In new versions of python, it seems from 3.4 it is already possible to write through A, this is used wherever you need to insert a value into a string. For example, you want to make a request somewhere in the API and there the url is ' myapi.com/users/1/albums ' and when you write a function you will write

def get_user_albums_by_id(id):
    url = f'http://myapi.com/users/{id}/albums'
    r = requests.get(url)
    return r.json()

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