Akira_Live2020-06-15 18:25:20
Akira_Live, 2020-06-15 18:25:20

What is in Linux that is not in Windows for java/Python/Scala/Golang/Kotlin programmer?

I say right away that I have been programming for 3 months, I heard a ringing and I try not to jump into the jungle!

I will describe what I heard, dispel the myths and clarify who is not difficult!

1. In OS Linux, compiling Java code is 2-3 times faster!
2. On OS Linux, Docker is faster! (Haven't Micrasoft done anything about it?)
3. On OS Linux, it's more convenient to write a backend in java/Python/Scala for web applications?
4. In OS Linux, ugly fonts in IDE: intelij idea, Eclips, vs code.
5. If you are a self-respecting programmer, you must own linux (I understand that linux is free and most of it is on servers, but why exactly program on linux if windows itself (no matter how buggy and tracking, with its stupid updates) much more convenient, isn't it? Well, or the same MacOS?!
6. Even if Linux is correct, do I understand that distributions like Arch / Gentoo / are if you like to dig and customize the OS for yourself, and if you're just a programmer who doesn't care what write, the main thing is to solve your problem, and don't care about the OS, should I just choose Ubuntu or Fedora/Debian/Manjaro?

Well, something like that, I would like to hear an opinion from java / Scala / Golang / Kotlin / programmers and from users with linux and windows experience! It is desirable that both operating systems are used often, since you are building analogies in your head!

Fanatics, I beg you to pass by! I am not interested in what I use at all, they are just tools, if you are fans of one thing, I will never understand you!

Thank you all in advance!

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5 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-06-15

  1. Bullshit.
  2. It doesn't work on all Windows.
  3. Bullshit.
  4. Bullshit.
  5. Knowing how to use Lin is definitely useful, it is still closer to the production.

I have a working laptop on Windows, a personal one on Ubuntu. I do not encounter any obstacles in my work either here or there. Unless all sorts of new items come out faster under the line and there are specific things, like dtraceasm.

Dr. Bacon, 2020-06-15

Yes, here half of the questions are subjective, whoever likes what he uses.

Nordman99, 2020-06-15

Well, something like that, I would like to hear an opinion from java/Scala/Golang/Kotlin/ programmers and from users with linux and windows experience! It is desirable that both operating systems are used frequently, since you

In Linux there is a speed - it is much higher than in Windows! I checked this and more than once, who does not believe - take an old laptop, install Windows on it, install a browser, any one, open those hundred tabs + a couple of office documents, however, you are unlikely to be able to do this on junk.
After that, install Linux on the laptop, any, and again everything is the same - and enjoy normal work! But things are worse with security in Linux - there are no antiviruses, or rather they are, but they are doubtful, in Linux the user himself must work as an antivirus, monitor everything in the system, otherwise malicious code and trojans are inevitable even in Linux.
But if you seriously decided to be a programmer, then choose Linux better. you can study it all up and down and remake everything you want in it that cannot be done in Windows.

mayton2019, 2020-06-15

I don't understand. Does the author write in 5 languages? Polyglot right.
On this topic. Linux had a terrible UI 20 years ago. And installing vidyashek drivers is still the same challenge.
Today he is quite slick. And the fonts are good.
Yes. Docker is inconvenient to use on Windows.
Yes. It makes sense nowadays to practice on the Linux/Unix/BSD command line in order to have a devops income as a last resort if AI is created and all programmers are fired. Or if you are old and stupid and unfit for modern scrum agile development. Or if your grandmother needs to set up a firewall or mail. Or just if you're in front of your friends "show off". For example, run an mp3 player from the console. Or hack your school's website. All in all, a lot of goodies. Think.

CityCat4, 2020-06-16

1. Nonsense. Java-machine - it is supplied alone - what is there, what is there
2. In Windows, it may not work at all
3. Nonsense. The convenience of writing code may depend on the IDE - if you chose a platform-dependent IDE - SSZB
4. Nonsense. The fonts are the same everywhere - for example, on Linux, I have Windows fonts of
5. You need to program on what you write for - I have been following this rule for many years
6. Right.

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