Ivan Shmelev2018-12-24 19:22:30
Ivan Shmelev, 2018-12-24 19:22:30

What is Haskell used for?

Interesting ways to use the language. Pros, cons and how relevant it is now and in the future.

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2 answer(s)
longclaps, 2018-12-24

To search for you, baby .

Alexander Skusnov, 2018-12-24

There are interesting lectures on functional programming by Dmitry Soshnikov (but mostly in F#).
Let's say you see x = 2+3.
We can say: calculate the expression and put the result in cell x.
And a functional programmer will say: you have described (calculation method) function x (that is, you have not commands, but a function definition). From a bunch of definitions, the compiler will try to find a shortened version that will be the solution when substituting data.

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