Sektantik2018-05-27 16:00:23
Sektantik, 2018-05-27 16:00:23

What is faster Jekyll Modx or pure static?

Friends, the question arose, who tested the speed of Jekyll and Modx statics, now I do all projects mainly on Modx, is there any point in bothering? And it’s still not clear how Jekyll differs from ordinary static, when you simply upload all the content of the site to the root, put down links and use it.

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5 answer(s)
Sanes, 2018-05-27

Jekyll bottom. Modx works fine.

Alex-1917, 2018-05-27

The fastest is a stub page from the hoster, you just need to remember it...

Andrey, 2018-05-29

Jeykyll = static and will be faster than Modx.
Properly cooked Modx (special if it's an EVO) will not be much slower than static

Valery Tikhomirov, 2019-06-11

Jekyll is cheaper, faster and safer. But there is no need to do premature optimization if it is convenient to work on Modx now

Sektantik, 2020-11-06

Jekyll and static are the same, since Jekyll has one purpose to generate static pages, so normal html pages are uploaded to the server (hosting), without any Jekyll. Modx uses a database like any other CMS, so they will be slower a priori, and Modx is no longer a cake, it's better to use Django. I asked a question about 3 years ago, I answered it myself)

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