Gothanidze2016-10-26 16:04:44
Game development
Gothanidze, 2016-10-26 16:04:44

What is faster in learning and implementing a Unity or Flash / Haxe project, or maybe GameMaker, and which one to choose?

Hello. There is an idea for a 2D game, in fact, the question arose with the study of technology in order to implement it. Of course there is a set time frame, about 2-3 months to study. The essence of my question is which of the above technologies to choose so as not to miscalculate, and still implement the idea that I have on time (that is, 3 months to study, 3 months to implement) What to choose? Which technology is faster to learn, and will quickly give me the desired result. My experience in programming is about a year, I write on Python. Experience in game development - game designer, writing scripts, working on worlds, and mechanics - a little more than 2 years. Target platforms will still be be a desktop, in particular Steam, and are also interested in the FGL and Kongergate - web market. Please, please justify your answer. Thank you.
2)Flash/Haxe + flixel/OpenFl

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3 answer(s)
Nexeon, 2016-10-26

Game Maker, unlike Unity, is a full-fledged game designer, so game development will be faster. For you, as a Python Programmer, the syntax of the Game Maker Language will be more familiar than C#.

GreatRash, 2016-10-26

HTML + JS + Phaser
Entry threshold is very low. There are tons of tutorials and examples of working with the engine on the official website. It can be built for mobile in Intel XDK , for desktop it can be built in Electron . Based on Phaser, there is a higher-level solution (the interface is reduced by Unity, but it works in the browser).

GavriKos, 2016-10-26

Without knowing about your experience in game development in general and in programming in particular, there is nothing to advise at all.
Also add target platforms to the question.

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