Roman-Belgorod2015-04-02 08:04:22
Web traffic analysis
Roman-Belgorod, 2015-04-02 08:04:22

What is broker traffic?

Hello. I will design an online lending portal, where I create a database of credit organizations, banks, etc. Next, I want to connect to the CPA affiliate program.
The question is that I want to create my own loan application form and then send the borrower's confidential data (place of work, salary, contacts) to several banks at once! I found out that this mechanism is called "Broker Traffic", but I absolutely don't know how to set it up and what it eats with ..... can anyone come across please give me some info!

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1 answer(s)
Mikhail Plotnikov, 2015-04-17

Can you elaborate on the issue? How to set up a traffic attraction system? or how to technically implement its sending? If the first, then you create a portal - attract traffic from advertising systems, SEO, etc. - users come, fill out an application - you automatically send it to the CPA network. From a technical point of view, networks have ready-made forms that are inserted on the site (iframes), widgets with a list of banks, landing pages, etc. The advanced ones have an API that you can send to. That is, choose a network - find out what methods of receiving traffic they support, implement it on your site. The very name "brokerage" most likely came historically from the fact that earlier credit organizations (credit brokers) filled out such applications offline, then selected suitable banks and sent them (a fee for a percentage of a loan or for an application).

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