Pavel K2016-02-24 18:42:20
Pavel K, 2016-02-24 18:42:20

What is better Qt vs Java when developing for mobile phones?

There was a need to create an application for mobile phones for the project.
The project is all on Qt, and it attracts the ability to make the entire interface on the already familiar QML,
as well as cross-compilation for iOS (in plans for the future)
I tried at the time of Qt5.2 - it was very "raw" and after a couple of diagrams I spat, and did in Java,
The interface is voluminous and complex, there are animations and stuff like that.
Tell me, please, is it possible to do it on Qt5.5 or in terms of stability and reliability in Java?

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2 answer(s)
Jacob E, 2016-02-24

It depends on how complex the application is, but in 5.5.1 everything is already stable enough for production.

beduin01, 2016-02-24

Swift is the most promising language for mobile devices. So watch the toolkits under it.

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