yav28102013-11-25 10:30:04
Text analysis
yav2810, 2013-11-25 10:30:04

What is a text editor with the ability to display text in reverse order (bottom to top)?

Suggest a text editor that could display the contents of a text file in reverse order (not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top). Ideally, an analogue of notepad ++ (so that the file is always open and automatically reloads when changes are detected in the document). Can you tell me how this can be done in notepad ++ itself (plugins, macros, etc.).
I will be glad for any help.

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7 answer(s)
Leo, 2013-11-30

As an option, write a script for Notepad++ (for example, using "Notepad++ Python Script", article habrahabr.ru/post/135822/ ). The script will update the open document by hotkey or timer, turn it over and display it in read-only mode.

JSinga, 2013-11-25

Sorry for the multipost, but I didn’t know that comments eat up formatting, it’s sad to look ((
The first thing that comes to mind:
If there are not many lines, then you can fill in the array in the code and then write it to the log from the end. (Kostylnenko yes, but it works right away) As a result, you will write from beginning to end, but the lines that you want to see at the top will be
there.If it's smarter, then I would still think about the code, and not the test editor
. if you want to cope with the help of a text editor, then look towards Emac, you can pervert on it as your heart desires))
Only you will spend much more time / effort / nerves.

yav2810, 2013-11-25

All right. A tool is needed for visual viewing of logs - so that it is periodically updated and the latest events are displayed on top

JSinga, 2013-11-25

Didn't mean that.
Why do you need to watch all the logs in real time?
You still miss the most important moment when the heel itches.
Suppose (the assumption is rather spherical, because I don’t know the specifics of the task):
- Let all the logs be written to one file
- There is a script (or daemon) that parses this file and finds lines with errors (what we are interested in)
- Based on these lines, it creates file type "Report" where everything you need to know is described.
- If you need to know it right away, you can screw the pop-up window.
Is this method suitable?
If not, why not?
ps For me, it's more convenient than looking at the screen inseparably.

yav2810, 2013-11-25

Why is it inseparable. Events take place every 15-30 minutes. This log contains exactly the data for

file of the "Report" type, where everything you need to know is described

yav2810, 2013-11-25

Thanks for the comments. I managed to write my own program.

yav2810, 2013-12-02

Class! Thank you! I will learn!!! Do you happen to know how to do this? Or at least basic commands :)

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