yamatoko2015-06-02 04:54:20
yamatoko, 2015-06-02 04:54:20

What is a proven, honest ad blocker?

I read that some ad blockers do what they shouldn't - spy on the user himself, send some statistics, read what they shouldn't, etc. For example, ublock just asked to increase privileges. Who knows a proven ad blocker?
AdBlock Plus - I used it, then some article about him was that he was doing something superfluous and, it seems, was too hungry for resources. Switched to ublock.

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7 answer(s)
t_q_l, 2015-06-02


Quber, 2015-06-02

ad block

Fumoffu, 2015-06-02

Why didn't regular AdBlock Plus suit you? There are almost all browsers, the source code is completely open.

Optimus, 2015-06-02
Pyan @marrk2


Mikhail Lyalin, 2015-06-02

Outpost Security Suite Pro
Adblock is too venal product

John Smith, 2015-06-02

There is AdMuncher , now it's free.
What is good? history. He started working even when there were no others in the project. It was paid for a very long time, and quite expensive. At the same time - very desirable, just read the topics of distributions on rutracker and ruboard. Now, although it has become free, but, subjectively, it is no worse.
There were votes on the rubord for the best blockers.
Here are the results for 2013 (top of the page):
There are no results for 2014, for 2015 the situation has changed, and ABP and Adguard are the first, AdMuncher is the third.
But I also had to read bad things about the first one. Second paid. And the third one I have had since the end of the 2000s. Moreover, it should be noted that the deterioration of AdMuncher's position is due, among other things, to the following factors:
- old-school interface (but fine-tuning is convenient, if anyone needs it)
- lack of marketing

ton1, 2015-06-07

+ if not too lazy to fiddle with the settings then:
request policy

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