Ylenko2022-02-12 17:22:07
Ylenko, 2022-02-12 17:22:07

What IP will the site see when using TeamViewer?

Please tell me, there is a computer A and B. If you use TeamViewer and from computer B allow access to computer A, will there be traces of computer A on the sites? Same IP address or the fact of using TeamViewer?

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1 answer(s)
rPman, 2022-02-12

if TeamViewer is used exclusively as a remote screen control, then there will be no traces
TeamViewer has an additional product in the cambain - its vpn, in this case the connected computer will be able to send all its traffic through the remote one, and the Internet provider of this server A will see through ttl packets that the server is used as a vpn, there will be no traces on the sites again

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