@gtgt2019-04-22 20:00:12
@gtgt, 2019-04-22 20:00:12

What does the sessionStorage[user_id]['attempt'] parameter do?

In the task, the player must guess the city from the picture. Now, based on the task, we are writing another program. The
question is this: in the play_game function there is a line attempt = sessionStorage[user_id]['attempt'] (there is also
sessionStorage[user_id]['attempt'] = 1 in the code above) for what does it answer?
I tried to find it in Alice's documentation, but something went wrong)

from flask import Flask, request
import logging
import json
import random

app = Flask(__name__)


cities = {
    'москва': [
        '1533899/a828508baf125f948521', '965417/b41b381f2e55c93b8e27'
    'нью-йорк': [
        '1533899/6a3ef6d0598589925c1f', '1540737/4415d6c9d377b216599e'
    'париж': [
        '1521359/555d1246d51f21bca1d0', '1652229/227cfc25581e379aad08'

sessionStorage = {}

@app.route('/post', methods=['POST'])
def main():

    logging.info('Request: %r', request.json)

    response = {
        'session': request.json['session'],
        'version': request.json['version'],
        'response': {
            'end_session': False

    handle_dialog(response, request.json)

    logging.info('Request: %r', response)

    return json.dumps(response)

def handle_dialog(res, req):

    user_id = req['session']['user_id']

    if req['session']['new']:

        res['response']['text'] = 'Привет! Назови свое имя!'
        sessionStorage[user_id] = {
            'first_name': None,
            'game_started': False


    first_name = get_first_name(req)

    if sessionStorage[user_id]['first_name'] is None:

        if first_name is None:
            res['response']['text'] = 'Не раслышала имя. Повтори!'
            sessionStorage[user_id]['first_name'] = first_name
            sessionStorage[user_id]['guessed_cities'] = []
            res['response']['text'] = 'Приятно познакомиться, ' + first_name.title() + '. Я Алиса. ' \
                                                                                       'Отгадаешь город по фото?'
            res['response']['buttons'] = [
                    'title': 'Да',
                    'hide': True

                    'title': 'Нет',
                    'hide': True

                    'title': 'Помощь',
                    'hide': True


        if not sessionStorage[user_id]['game_started']:

            if 'да' in req['request']['nlu']['tokens']:

                if len(sessionStorage[user_id]['guessed_cities']) == 3:

                    res['response']['text'] = 'Ты отгадал все города!'
                    res['end_session'] = True


                    sessionStorage[user_id]['game_started'] = True
                    sessionStorage[user_id]['attempt'] = 1
                    play_game(res, req)

            elif 'нет' in req['request']['nlu']['tokens']:
                res['response']['text'] = 'Ну и ладно!'
                res['end_session'] = True
            elif req['request']['original_utterance'].lower() == 'помощь':
                res['response']['text'] = 'Это игра по отгадыванию городов. ' \
                                          'Назови город по предложенной картинке ^_^'
                res['response']['text'] = 'Не понял ответа! Так да или нет?'
                res['response']['buttons'] = [
                        'title': 'Да',
                        'hide': True

                        'title': 'Нет',
                        'hide': True

                        'title': 'Помощь',
                        'hide': True
        elif req['request']['original_utterance'].lower() == 'помощь':
                res['response']['text'] = 'Это текст помомщи. Будь смелее и продолжи общение.'

            play_game(res, req)

def play_game(res, req):

    user_id = req['session']['user_id']
    attempt = sessionStorage[user_id]['attempt']

    if attempt == 1:

        city = list(cities.keys())[random.randint(0, 2)]

        while (city in sessionStorage[user_id]['guessed_cities']):
            city = list(cities.keys())[random.randint(0, 2)]

        sessionStorage[user_id]['city'] = city

        res['response']['card'] = {}
        res['response']['card']['type'] = 'BigImage'
        res['response']['card']['title'] = 'Что это за город?'
        res['response']['card']['image_id'] = cities[city][attempt - 1]
        res['response']['buttons'] = [
                'title': 'Помощь',
                'hide': True


        city = sessionStorage[user_id]['city']

        if get_city(req) == city:

            res['response']['text'] = 'Правильно! Сыграем еще?'
            res['response']['buttons'] = [
                    'title': 'Да',
                    'hide': True

                    'title': 'Нет',
                    'hide': True

                    'title': 'Помощь',
                    'hide': True
            sessionStorage[user_id]['game_started'] = False


            res['response']['text'] = 'Неправильно'
            if attempt == 3:
                res['response']['text'] = 'Вы пытались. Это ' + city.title() + '. Сыграем еще?'
                res['response']['buttons'] = [
                        'title': 'Да',
                        'hide': True

                        'title': 'Нет',
                        'hide': True

                        'title': 'Помощь',
                        'hide': True
                sessionStorage[user_id]['game_started'] = False
                res['response']['card'] = {}
                res['response']['card']['type'] = 'BigImage'
                res['response']['card']['title'] = 'Неправильно. Вот тебе дополнительное фото'
                res['response']['card']['image_id'] = cities[city][attempt - 1]
                res['response']['buttons'] = [
                        'title': 'Помощь',
                        'hide': True

    sessionStorage[user_id]['attempt'] += 1

def get_city(req):

    for entity in req['request']['nlu']['entities']:

        if entity['type'] == 'YANDEX.GEO':

            if 'city' in entity['value'].keys():
                return entity['value']['city']
                return None

    return None

def get_first_name(req):

    for entity in req['request']['nlu']['entities']:

        if entity['type'] == 'YANDEX.FIO':

            if 'first_name' in entity['value'].keys():
                return entity['value']['first_name']
                return None
    return None

if __name__ == '__main__':

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1 answer(s)
Vladislav, 2019-04-22

Most likely the attempt number for a particular user.

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