Igor Nistakov2015-03-02 16:33:55
IT education
Igor Nistakov, 2015-03-02 16:33:55

What does information security study?

What do they study at universities at the Department of Information Security?

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4 answer(s)
mamkaololosha, 2015-03-02

How lucky there. It could be a virus or some bullshit. So decide on the spot. Or you can stupidly write to Kaspersky and stupidly ask where it is better to go. They can send "to their" people. You have nothing to lose.

cssman, 2015-03-02

As far as I know, 2 specialties are most common now:
KOIBAS (Integrated Information Security of Automated Systems)
KZOI (Integrated Protection of Informatization Objects)
The specialties are similar, subjectively, KOIBAS was a little deeper, more subjects in the specialty and more hours on the material.
They study a very wide range, mainly basic subjects for general education in 1-2 courses, incl. programming (languages ​​depend on the teachers and the university). 3rd year - introduction to the specialty, here are the basics of cryptography, vyshmat (including mathematical logic, theory of algorithms, terver and other mathematical bases), cybernetics. Further - more interesting, 4-5 courses: Databases, database security, means and methods of information protection, legal support of information security, security of network infrastructure, banking infrastructure, etc. but in many respects it will already depend on the department.
UPD. And yes, information security is, as a rule, a faculty, and there are many departments.

ivkol, 2015-03-02

here is something the search turned up

zigen, 2015-03-03

The younger brother studies at the Faculty of Information Security. In the first year, they study python and other features, and also play CTF. IMHO an excellent skill.
And so, in principle, the same as in the specialties of computer technology: architecture, databases, PNAJVU + an admixture of crypts and ISIS. At least that's how it was for me.

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