vodka_ru2011-09-14 19:18:49
vodka_ru, 2011-09-14 19:18:49

What do you think, is the section of links on habré conveniently located now?

In my opinion, the links section is now hidden very far. And if you can get to the events section, then it became possible to get to the links section only from the green block with a warning.

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13 answer(s)
ertaquo, 2011-09-14

When links were combined with posts, it was much more convenient. Now the links are almost invisible, and as a result I read them a little.

BorodinDenis, 2011-09-14

Everything suits me, I find everything very convenient

ProRunner, 2011-09-14

Of course it's inconvenient. It was decided to kill the links, and they were hidden away. What led to the desired result is just to look at the average number of clicks.

Dmitry, 2011-09-15

Why is this block needed? For two weeks, I still did not understand what its practicality was.

Agent_Smith, 2011-09-14

Are you talking about that little link in the footer? Or is she somewhere else?

pratamishus, 2011-09-14

To be honest, I have never noticed notes about this section, but I have never been there :) Now I went purely out of interest and found it through ctrl + f. So maybe it really makes sense to move it somewhere higher

Alexander, 2011-09-15

It's disgustingly located. I completely forgot about this section.

atomlib, 2011-09-15

Oh, that's where all the links have gone.
I already feel the cons, I learned about hacking uTorrent and Bittorrent sites from other resources, and I was a little surprised why Habr did not respond with a post on this topic.
A link only in the footer is almost nothing. The saddest thing is that there is no RSS feed for the links section.

spmbt, 2011-09-15

Great question, only after that I was able to figure out where the links had gone :). At first I thought that the “Links” section, announced with pomp at the end of August, was in the “Favorites”. (Profile-Favorites-Links).
Wrote a small user script that puts links in the right place. (In general, their days or weeks are numbered, you need to use other link services. But so far, by inertia, a lot of links are published per day.)

// ==UserScript==
// @name HabrLinks 
// @version 0.1_2011-09-15
// @namespace spmbt.kodingen.com
// @author spmbt0
// @description Show Links in main menu, moves Events to end of list
// @include http://*.habrahabr.ru/*
// @include http://habrahabr.ru/*
// @exclude http://habrahabr.ru/api/*
// ==/UserScript==
var panelNav = document.querySelector('.header .panel-nav-top')
  , events = panelNav && panelNav.querySelector('a[href*=events]')
  , companiesLi = panelNav && panelNav.querySelector('a[href*=companies]').parentNode;
  events2Li = events.parentNode.cloneNode(!0);
  events.setAttribute('href', events.getAttribute('href').replace(/events/,'links'));
  events.innerHTML = 'Ссылки';
    companiesLi.parentNode.insertBefore( events2Li, companiesLi.nextSibling);

I can't post on Userscripts.org yet, so I dumped it here. How to use?
We create the file habrLinks.user.js, copy the contents into it.
We throw on the browser (Chrome) or from Scriptish / Greasemonkey (FF) - the command "Install add-on from file ...".
In Chrome - we agree with the installation. In FF too. In Opera, paste the script into Settings-Advanced-Content-Manage Site Preferences...-Add (Site name), -Scripting-User Javascript Folder (choose the path to the script). Safari also has its own place in the settings. Reloading the site page. We get the form:

rPman, 2011-09-14

I specifically came from a browser where stylish is not installed ... what changes are we talking about?
ps since 'Chukchi is a reader', I have hidden everything that is not related to the main content, i.e. I see only the list of topics, the topics themselves and comments.

SEObomj, 2011-09-14

I already raised this issue here . Then he wrote to Bumburumu, to which he received an answer that they wanted to remove them from the general feed (I asked to return them to the general feed =)). So I think everything will remain unchanged.

ob1, 2011-09-15

Apparently, links are not needed on Habré. Probably the administration does not want Habr to be used to advertise other resources.
I liked the previous links much better. Now they are probably only read by bots ...

rasa, 2011-09-15

I'm glad that the "Events" are made separately.

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