Alexander2015-09-17 21:50:34
Ruby on Rails
Alexander, 2015-09-17 21:50:34

What do you need to know before learning ROR?

What do you need to know before learning ror?

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4 answer(s)
Denis Ineshin, 2015-09-17

Basics of working with the server, databases, command line. Understanding web fundamentals. You will understand the rest of the needs as you go.

CapeRatel, 2015-09-17

To teach "everywhere" you need 2 components:
- Motivation
- Brains

Philipp, 2015-09-18

As I understand it, the basics of Ruby should be mastered, and then climb into frameworks.

Zaporozhchenko Oleg, 2015-09-19

As for what you need to know from the basics, I completely agree with Denis.
I would like to add my thoughts on the way to learn RoR
Quite often the question arises of which technology is worth learning. Usually the choice is between Ruby on Rails, Python + Django and Node.js. I believe that a programmer should not be limited to one technology. He should have an understanding of related / new technologies, and be able to quickly switch to a new tool if necessary.
RoR is the perfect place to start learning because Rails is basically the accumulation of many years of experience in web development, and understanding their approach will allow you to easily and effectively learn and use other technologies.
Accordingly, in this case, self-study will not be a good solution, because a mentor is needed who will help in mastering the best practices and prevent cycling.
The best way is to practice in some office, with the solution of real problems. But, here's the problem - usually a beginner practices for about 3-5 months on simple projects, and this, in my opinion, is rather slow.
Ideal, in my opinion, is the practice in a small team. This is how I started, I had a very experienced mentor, the projects were much more difficult than I could handle and I had to learn very quickly, which is very well helped by an experienced mentor. An alternative is to practice as a padawan with an experienced programmer, but the main thing here is not to miss the moment when you have been solving familiar problems for a month and not moving forward.
An alternative would be to take a course. I am familiar with rubybursa.com and ror.thinknetica.com course materials , but they did not seem interesting to me. https://mkdev.me/ looks pretty interesting .I am not familiar with the material (they are not on torrents =)), but Kiril's blog is very interesting, and I think that the courses, most likely, are also on the level, especially since there are several courses for different levels of training.
I also plan to launch my own course. It will be aimed at getting practical knowledge quickly enough (about a month of training) that will help you pass the stage of uninteresting projects in a month and get into the development of serious applications with a strong leader. If you are interested - subscribe to twitter, there will be updates. https://twitter.com/c3gdlk
PS You don't need to learn ruby ​​to get started. The basics are learned in half an hour learnxinyminutes.com/docs/ruby - the rest is learned through practice.
Perhaps the most important thing is to understand what blocks are and how to use them, and to realize that class methods can be called immediately after they are declared. Those. all these slightly unusual scopes, validates, has_one and belongs_to are nothing more than a call to class methods that add some data to this same class.

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