Sergey Shumilin2021-12-13 12:33:48
Sergey Shumilin, 2021-12-13 12:33:48

What data visualization tools are available (road map, product line structures, projects)?

For a more convenient visual display of current products, projects, etc., I would like to have some kind of tool for building them in the form of a graph similar to a mental map. With the ability to group or rebuild depending on the settings, for example, arrangement by launch year (development roadmap), or grouping by product type, and so on. For readers - just a reflection of entities, for editors with the possibility of introducing new ones. Each entity (graph vertex) is a link to a project or product page.

So far I have found
But the price tag is not humane. Is there anything similar.
Main settings
- the ability to reflect only for viewing with the use of filters and display settings and without the possibility of editing data. And in edit mode for a specific list of users.
- use of a server solution, i.e. without the use of third-party clouds and services
- display via the Web.

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1 answer(s)
Victor P., 2021-12-23

like a mental map

Well, take a mind map, for example, https://www.mindmeister.com/

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