sumyuga2015-07-04 23:24:51
C++ / C#
sumyuga, 2015-07-04 23:24:51

What courses/books would you recommend on system programming?

We need a quick and effective introduction to the topic for a non-newbie. The maximum task is to program the controllers in 1-2 months.

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2 answer(s)
peacefulatom, 2015-07-07

Passed a chic course https://www.coursera.org/course/hwswinterface based on the book "Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective", which is also in Russian in the first edition. Level: Intermediate.
In the general case, I would not call MK programming system programming. If you know C, then there should be no objective problems with programming MK using libraries from the manufacturer. By the way, it will be a plus to have some ideas about electronics, but you can also acquire them in the process of work.
When you get a little comfortable, grab some kind of RTOS, such as ecos.
Good luck!

Dmitry Falko, 2015-07-09

I can advise you to do this, take the most popular controller, buy a debug board and start with examples there. Lots of good material here: easyelectronics.ru

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