Sergey Savostin2014-09-23 16:38:31
Sergey Savostin, 2014-09-23 16:38:31

What could have happened to the debugger in Qt Creator?

Maybe someone has already encountered the problem.
Problems with Qt Creator (Mac) started after updating Xcode.
At first, the compiler swore that it was necessary to accept new agreements under root. OK, launched Xcode, accepted.
Then qmake cursed that 'TargetConditionals.h' file not found. On StackOverflow they advised - it helped.
Now the project is built and launched, but only without the debugger. As soon as I launch it in debugging, the "Launching Debugger" window freezes and does not write anything else, except in the status bar "Starting debugger LldbEdngine for ABI x86-macos-generic-mach_o-64bit" and that's it - wait at least an hour, nothing happens .
New project -> same.
What did I break?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Savostin, 2014-11-18

Finally found a solution. This is a QtCreator bug.
It is necessary every time after starting the debugger to go to the debugger console and press enter.

DancingOnWater, 2014-09-24

I did not work with macos, but most likely a new compiler came to you that violates the ABI of the previous one. The possibility of this is indicated by the fact that you corrected the qt-shnye build rules.
I would act in Gento-style: rebuild Qt with the changes made, and then rebuild QtCreator. Or, if possible, get new versions from the repository of both

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