dmalygina2020-06-12 14:55:21
dmalygina, 2020-06-12 14:55:21

What combination of CMS + subscription plugin to choose for a large news portal?

Hello everyone and thanks in advance for your help)

The customer is a small yellow press publishing house, but they have the same requirements as Komsomolskaya Pravda.

They need a journal website with the following functionality:
- Personal account with a pdf reader of old issues of the journal
- Subscription to the journal through recurrent payment
- News feed and layout of articles like in kp.ru
- Subscriber management

I have not touched the development since 2017, I used to be a backend C# developer.
I am familiar with web development, but again, a lot has changed in three years_ Tell me
which CMS to choose for the customer?

I have thoughts about Wordpress, but the Woocommerce Subscriptions plugin for subscriptions and recurring payments is not included in the client's budget.
There is an option to write it, but I can not estimate the development time.

Tilda and Cloudpayments - the client is tormented with the layout of articles?

Laravel or let's say October - the problem is that I have never worked on it and I don't know how suitable it is for the task. And how to implement subscriptions?

In general, I will be glad for advice and tips) The code does not scare)

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3 answer(s)
SHKD, 2020-06-12

Use Wordpress, for subscriptions and recurring payments, Leyka (a free plugin) is fine.

Sanes, 2020-06-12

used to be a C# backend developer
Write yourself.
Familiar with web development, but again a lot has changed in three years
Yes, nothing has changed there.
I have thoughts about Wordpress, but the Woocommerce Subscriptions plugin for subscriptions and recurring payments is not included in the client's budget.

Run away from him.

Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-06-13

If you need a CMS, then WordPress.
But as for me, taking into account the fact that you know C #, it’s better to raise the site on the framework and sharpen everything for yourself ...
For example, if the project is serious, then I write in Java (Spring), and if so-so, then WP

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