tupoi2016-09-20 01:26:19
tupoi, 2016-09-20 01:26:19

What books would you recommend for python 3?

Good day.
I don’t understand where to move on, I completed a course at the codeacademy on Python, they gave the basics, working with files, classes, functions, loops, branching, etc., advise where to move on after learning the basics? What are the most important modules from the standard library? What books to read, it is desirable that they have practice, and not just analysis of the written code?
Ps Technical English is more or less normal, I can read books in English

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5 answer(s)
aRegius, 2016-09-20

Good afternoon.
“Tell me, please, where should I go from here?”
— Where do you want to go?
replied the Cat.
"I don't care... " Alice said.
“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.
Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland"
Objectively, the web/backend remains the most demanded direction in Python. And that means frameworks: Django, Flask, Pyramid, Bottle, Web2py, etc. Of these, if you are primarily interested in finding a job - Django or Flask (as the most popular). Otherwise, choose whichever you like. In fairness, recently in the requirements of vacancies, "... knowledge of ANY framework ..."or "...knowledge of Django or ANY other framework..." .
The answer to this question is closely related and depends on the answer to the previous one.
In fact, practice is the analysis of the written code. Indeed, in good books, the code is not taken from the air, but from real practical problems that you will encounter. Any program, no matter how large and complex it may be, consists of separate, significantly smaller blocks of code that carry their semantic load. These are the pieces of code that are usually understood in books. These are bricks, elements of the constructor, on the basis of which you will later assemble this or that product.
Now essentially and maximally, from my point of view, corresponding to your request:
1. Python - Python Cookbook (perhaps the most practical book on Python; specific small tasks from real practices and how to solve them; and yes, Python 3 of course)
2. Django- Django by Example (based on this book, you can, if you wish, make your own project)
This is a huge plus for you, no doubt.
Something like this...

zooks, 2016-09-20


Omniverse, 2016-09-20

Take on developing an application. And already on the basis of this it will become clear what needs to be studied. If you want to make a website in Python, start learning Django or Flask. If you want to create a game - learn Pygame, parser - Scrapy and so on.

Daniil Demidko, 2016-09-20

Lutz is

sim3x, 2016-09-20


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