Awhysl2015-03-27 13:56:11
Awhysl, 2015-03-27 13:56:11

What book/textbook would you recommend for learning C# from beginner to pro?

I don't know what book/tutorial to get to learn C#.
I would like to have at least a little of all the information, and best of all, as much information as possible.
It would be desirable in Russian .

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4 answer(s)
Vit, 2015-03-27

Andrew Troelsen - C# Programming Language

OnYourLips, 2015-03-27

From books only from beginner to junior can be learned.
The best book of its kind is Head First C#.

Oxoron, 2015-03-27

What books to start learning C#!?
In the answers, my (relatively) detailed analysis, plus discussion from other participants, plus a link to Teplyakov's blog with a detailed article.
By the way, I advise you to read the second book in English after the first book. The meaning will be clear, the sense of language will come. For simple tasks, the language is not important, for complex answers in Russian there may not be.

Dmitry Makarov, 2015-03-30

  1. C.Neygale, B.Ivian, J.Glyn, K.Watson, M.Skinner "C#4 and the .NET4 platform for professionals" (although there are books from this series for C#2, C#3, and for C# 4,5) details the basics of the language.
    But in fact, it is not necessary to read them with such a large gap. They can also be read in parallel. If only it was clear what it was about. Be sure to develop some application in parallel with the books (preferably several in turn with complication), otherwise the training will be superficial. The books are thick with lots of information. Information needs to be tied into knowledge, to build some kind of connections. It's only through practice.
    From time to time I return to these books as a reference, and sometimes I discover something new for myself in them, something that I had previously missed because I was not ready.

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