Oleg Poludnenko2014-11-09 15:49:04
Oleg Poludnenko, 2014-11-09 15:49:04

What bad thing can you say about OrientDB?

I came across a database that promises mountains of gold: www.orientechnologies.com/why-orientdb
If someone has already worked with it, please tell us your impressions.

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4 answer(s)
DarkDarker, 2015-01-31

Of the benefits - it's simplicity and a set of all-in-one (that's just one server solves all issues :)). Indeed, there is everything you need - transactions, etc. It expands horizontally perfectly. Now about the nuances: the base is multi-model - graph and document-oriented (hereinafter d.o.), which means that it works best in many-join projects. Use as a join-less high performance (read-write) d.o. storage is possible, but for such projects I would choose mongo. (According to my tests, mongo still wins in terms of performance, especially on select from large data).
Regarding the API:
Sometimes there is not enough JPA compatibility - some "light" projects are more convenient to do on JPA. Here, the object API is more trivial and requires more developer attention. Before. and graph api - did not notice any minuses.

Vyacheslav Razbitsky, 2016-02-04

https://github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issu... :
"I'm running orientdb standalone server on a machine with 64gb ram and 4g swap space. Database has more than 300 millions edges and around 70 million vertices.
Each client performs insert/read/delete at around 10k qps(all combined). I have multiple such clients connecting to the server.
When qps is over 50k, the orientdb server crashes with Out of Memory(OOM) exception."

For me personally, the figure of "50,000 requests per second" (with more than 370 million objects in the database, on one server) seems to be quite suitable for so many "real" projects.
To get acquainted with OrientDB , I advise you to take a free training course for a beginner:
https://www.udemy.com/orientdb-getting-started/ (using OrientDB 2.0 as an example, 2014).

s0ci0pat, 2014-11-09


DbLogs, 2014-11-18

I can only say good things :) I am working on orienteer.org - a data warehouse system on top of OrientDB: any problems are solved quickly, efficiently and efficiently.
The only bad thing I can say is that sometimes, well, absolutely raw things get into the release. Therefore, the new functionality should be used with caution.

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