blood_razor2015-02-19 17:13:54
blood_razor, 2015-02-19 17:13:54

What backend technologies are popular now?

Now I'm doing frontend development, but I want to move to backend. I thought about node.js, but there are few vacancies, especially for junior. So, what kind of knowledge is better to pump with an eye on the future, in terms of the amount of work and prospects (so that the technology is not dying)?
Thanks for answers.

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7 answer(s)
Igor Kalashnikov, 2015-02-19

As FanatPHP said above and I cannot but agree with him, you need to download "programming" skills.
Everything else - exclusively under the task. What back end do you want to write? For site? Appendix? maybe a corporate service? Want a lot of SQL? or give you a cool ORM?
Well, this is all whining, but in general and to the point - learn Java. Great language to learn, along with the backend :).
But if you want rock and roll, after the front-end, then IMHO - Node.JS, unless of course the front-end is not "connect jQuery", but something like AngularJS

raiboon, 2015-02-19

go, erlang

FanatPHP, 2015-02-19

what knowledge is better to pump with an eye on the future

5 years of study is enough for you.

Igor Aleksandrovich, 2015-02-19

The easiest option is to start with PHP, but I would look towards Phyton, but there are not many vacancies for it.
If we return to the very essence of the issue, then the most popular PHP and frameworks for it are Yii, Doctrina ORM, Symphony and others.

Dmitry Shishkin, 2015-02-19

Ruby + RoR

Vladimir Balin, 2015-04-01

I agree with FanatPHP Design patterns, best practices for building enterprise software
(especially with a web interface) I think you should study it, young Jedi

DigitalSmile, 2015-02-19

Language (technology) is just a tool, you need the basics, as suggested above.
I would recommend learning OOP, for example in Java or C#. You will hardly be left without a piece of bread.

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