VyusFire2013-12-09 20:34:52
IT education
VyusFire, 2013-12-09 20:34:52

What area to study?

There are many of us and we are all newcomers. And I'm just one of them.
Here comes the moment when the study comes to an end. During this period, many young minds are filled with thoughts about their future future. After all, you will soon have to make serious decisions and take decisive actions.
Studying the program of my college, I did not particularly ask myself the question - what do I want to study? For me, everything was planned: now I'm learning C / C ++, and then the web will go. Everything was simple and clear. But here I was able to remove the blinders and look at the full picture of IT. I plunged headlong into the digital world: I read various kinds of forums, blogs, took up serious books, tried to typeset, started learning JavaScript, tortured a virtual machine with different distributions - and I like all this! Here, of course, Habr can be mentioned separately - it was from there that I learned about many technologies and languages, as well as what tasks the current generation of programmers solves in practice. In short, I arranged, so to speak, an excursion, from assembler to the web, and now I am in complete confusion. Java or C++? Web or low-level programming? Application development or database design? Server administration or creation of distributed systems?
I want to ask for advice - how to choose a field of study?!
No, I'm not asking you which language or IDE to choose - I'm asking you to help me understand myself and make an objective decision. Or at least push towards something.
If someone has an extra minute and invaluable experience can help answer the following related questions:

  • How to set goals and not lose the desire to achieve them?
  • How not to doubt your choice?
  • How to use the experience you already have and not step on a rake?
  • How to understand - what do I want?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Kiselev, 2013-12-09

First, look at what you are more interested in: working in a team or alone. This will depend on the size of the projects. At the hardware level (programming microcontrollers, etc.) there are a lot of projects that one person is involved in, you start to climb higher and the size of the team starts to grow. Programming is always about communicating with other people, about creating a common image of the system being developed that is understandable to everyone. If you like to communicate with people who are far from IT, go to the front-end. If you want to communicate with admins of different stripes, go to the back-end. For me, the front-end or desktop is more boring than the server-side back-end, since they have a lot of monotony due to the user experience. But this is my subjective opinion, you need to try it yourself and form your own opinion.
Answers to your questions:
1. Develop the frontal lobes of the brain, they are responsible for goal setting and achieving goals. Meditation is said to help a lot with this.
2. Adopt a simple principle: doubt and reflect before you start to act, starting to act, do not doubt.
3. Communicate more with other people, tell them about your "rake".
4. Try more! Participate in open projects, for example. You can try a lot of things.

Yuri Yarosh, 2013-12-09

1) In order not to lose the desire, it is necessary to solve the issues of procrastination and the replacement of responsibilities.
2) How not to doubt?, - there is the concept of a career plateau. In any case, you need to doubt and double-check. Technologies are developing at a rapid pace - it is quite common to analyze existing ones and migrate as needed.
3) How not to step on a rake? Catch yourself on the spot when the issue is solved by the "stick method", and the brains begin to get hung up on one thing and do not go "out of bounds".
4) Trying different things a little bit ... it won’t be superfluous, and there are places where you can realize yourself.
You can start with the banal Codecademy.
From myself I can advise Play2 and Grails.
You need to be able to administer Linux in any case.
C ++ was not useful to me personally, the maximum is applications on Qt.
Here in pure C I have to write quite a lot
And for microcontrollers and Linux kernel modules, but I don’t dismiss Gtk either.

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