WasteMan2019-10-19 13:40:05
IT education
WasteMan, 2019-10-19 13:40:05

What area to choose in IT from scratch when you are "under 40"?

Good afternoon everyone.
Help resolve the issue.
What area of ​​IT (programming) to choose for work so that after a maximum of a year of diligent (I hope) studies one could find a job.
There is a lot of text. Therefore, you can simply answer this question without reading my reasoning

. It may seem to someone that again these “walk to IT” and the hand automatically reaches for the cross or ctrl + w. But here the situation is such that I’m asking the question not because I’ve heard enough stories about fabulous salaries or seen enough videos like “The best way to learn -AnyJP-“ with the message: “my friend finished Java courses and now works in a large company for a good salary” .
According to the previous specialty, there is no opportunity to get a job due to certain reasons. So I'm thinking about changing the field. I am 37 years old. Yes, “the best years for studying are behind us”, so as soon as I see a silver DeLorean, I will steal and a sports almanac I will not forget to grab.
In the meantime, please help me choose.
Next , I'll hide the introduction "with introductory notes that I consider necessary to inform" under the spoiler - so as not to scare away with a wall of text.
And I will highlight in bold the key questions for those who do not want to read my thoughts.


Из исходных данных:
- ВО эконом, но начала нулевых, вуз провинциальный, “околоматематики” было очень мало (вышка 2 семестра да столько же экон.статистки и все)
- опыт в программировании 0 (10-11 класс школы с Паскалем не учитываем за давностью лет)
- с компьютером в целом хорошо (не застряну на пункте: “Установка JDK”)
- английский около B1 (учил сам (на курсах преподаватели пренебрежительно относились к произношению) во взрослой жизни)). Полистал Хорстманна, документацию по установке Oracle DB - процентов на 70 понятно даже без словаря.
- верю в 10к часов
- не рассматриваю сферы с позиции “нравится” т.к. сомневаюсь, что можно понять это, просто теоретизируя, не поработав на реальных проектах несколько лет. Плюс говорят, что “нравится” - это либо когда в новизну, что быстро проходит, либо когда достиг определенного уровня, можешь решать трудные задачи и с этого получать удовольствие (т.к. дофамин)
- есть возможность уделить время учебе.
- не боюсь быть взрослым глупым в окружении умной молодежи
- нет завышенных требований к зп на старте.

Initially considered all the areas that came to mind. Plus there are thoughts why I think it's good or bad, formed under the influence of weekly reading of the forum. If I'm wrong, correct me. If you don't see any other possibility, please let me know.
If the question arose "why IT", "come in large numbers here" - I will not write in the spirit that I "always dreamed" and all that (in the 10th grade I bought a C ++ book in the original but did not do a single assignment), because I believe that if the desire is true and not a slogan-stereotype imposed by culture, then a person will find an opportunity. My thoughts are purely pragmatic - the sphere is developing, and in some places destroying others; you will need not only "super pros from infancy" Alice how to change a diaper, otherwise mom got stuck in contact "but also" plebeians ". If AI sends us all to the dustbin of history, then maybe I can take part in the Resistance.
Okay, jokes aside - the options that came in the head:
0. Learn statistics, Power BI, VBA and get something like a marketing analyst, but rare vacancies of this kind, and even those with a requirement for relevant experience. Therefore dismissed.
1. Igrostroy (I like to play, but dismissed it because it’s very niche, I draw some kind of auxiliary talents, write scripts, I don’t know physics and mathematics well)
2. BigData, AI (sounds epic, seems very promising, but I see the need for knowledge of mathematics, which I do not have, but it will take 3-5 years to comprehend them). I don’t want to just learn libraries and poke into them without understanding how they work, what algorithms are there, which means modest possibilities for adapting existing and writing new solutions)
3. 1C(At least used UT 8.2. The need to learn accounting is not embarrassing, the status of a non-b-programmer too). One of the first options that came to my mind and thought that now I’ll run straight to full-time courses to enroll (yeah, the rudiments of education is “full-time education is the only correct one”, on the other hand, at least I would already go and do and not think) - a city of a million people, there are franchis, I thought there should be courses too. Although I assumed, I obviously underestimated the backwardness of my native city - we don’t have such courses - only for users. In principle, you can go to the neighboring N-sk, live there for a couple of months, take courses if there is a direct need, because. I often met opinions that full-time courses do not give anything in terms of training or possible internships-works.
4. Web.Probably the most controversial industry (of course, perhaps simply due to misunderstanding). On the one hand, it looks very promising. It develops dynamically, with another “non-standardized”, chaotic or something (everyone has requirements for the base, and then we have such a framework, we are different, they are third.). Relatively low entry threshold (which is also a plus for people like me), but also as a result there are a lot of people, the competition is higher. Of course, there is a suspicion that, as in any industry, many will stop developing at some relatively low level and will live there, but if someone wants to develop higher, he will need to somehow survive in densely populated "middle" and "low".
5. DB, SQL.I don’t know if there is just a “database specialist” - as an extra. I met the requirement in many places - both for 1C, and for the Web, and coupled with knowledge of Java.
6.Mobile. Android/IOS. For the first, you will have to (better) learn Java, and there are separate vacancies for it. But will the entry threshold be too high? On the other hand, there is an idea that a higher threshold scares off a large number of people and those who pass will compete with fewer others. But as I understood from the discussions of June positions, there are few.
7. I heard about QA / QR from the edge of my ear - somewhere I even met opinions that this is one of the best (easy) ways to enter, but after looking at HH vacancies in my city, I saw the need for hardened such specialists with knowledge of Java, SQL, Sap.
In the rest, more or less working options are seen as follows:
- 1s
- web (first front and then back)
- java (in itself and mobile)
Let me remind you that in a year you want to have at least 20-30k income per month.
Help advice. And then stuck.
Update 10/24/19
Thank you all for your answers - for the answers in the whole range - from "you will not succeed" to "it all depends on you".
Some wrote that "a person must make his own decision." I agree, but information is needed to make a decision. Sitting at home in front of a notebook and trying to draw decision trees, I will not go beyond my head. Therefore, the opinions of other people working in the industry are needed. Thank you for these opinions.

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18 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2019-10-19

It's amazing how people wag their tails at 37. On the other hand, 30-year-old whiners are not uncommon here.
On the subject: do not go to the web in any case.
Go to 1C, for example, I have many examples of guys under 40 who quickly picked up this topic and achieved success in it.
And add the “Grow up” item to yourself, as if I read a young white student (I’m lying, I didn’t read it). It's simply amazing how a 37-year-old can be so infantile about his life and, in particular, his knowledge.

Alibaba2018, 2019-10-19

I want to fly on an airplane, tell me which one is better: on a Boeing / Transport / Fighter / or sports Red Bull ...
Learn very, very basic (Python) programming first: i.e. fly on a training cornfield, and there you will already have an exact understanding of what's what and how to proceed. And, believe me, even the same Python is not the simplest language, but the simplest of the others, although it is like the sea, you go-go-go from the shore knee-deep in water, and then once - and a cliff of several meters. Moreover, you still won’t be able to program normally in python for less than half a year, but most likely a year, it doesn’t work well in programming, keep it in mind right away. Here, in fact, as a complete renovation of the apartment, and not just tidy up, and not even general cleaning. If there is a person, a cat. has already passed this way and directs, and if you really do this specifically, then in 6 months you can. The most important thing is practice! Once again, the most important thing is practice! Once again.... and again....
Start with the simplest:
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Python Crash Course - No Starch - second part of the book, just sit and type the exercises
- then switch to Automate the Boring Stuff - also, open the second part of the book, just sit and stupidly type the exercises, then you re-read the first part (theory) where all these techniques are explained (control flow, loops, etc. etc.) and, oh Gods, something slowly begins to come.
Then switch to Django:
- write a blog
- an online store
- then mb deploy your site with a blog, other features
. stupidly start writing basic things, read someone else's code, mb watch many, many videos on YT with someone else's code and exercises, to master the language at a more or less intermediate/advanced level
There, further, an understanding will already come of how to proceed further and where to move, but there you already have to start/think differently.
Good luck!

Ivan Urgant, 2019-10-21

One person on the mysta forum wrote the following, quotes:
On the mysta forum in the topic whether to dump the web user legj writes I first dumped in a full stack on the node, but soon moved to a clean front.
Two or three years ago. I feel very good. Work is much more pleasant, stress is zero. More money. I caught up with the salary that was for 1s in six months. Now 200+.
Demand for the front is still the same frantic, not weakening. Grow to senior for a year and a half.
I didn’t prepare for the transition in any way, I read one book, zero practice. I just went to the junior salary first.
Such a salary, as I understand it in Moscow?
Yes, in Moscow.
`Frontenders in ordinary millionaires how much can they get?`
Don't know. I don't think it's much less. But there are much fewer vacancies there, it is not such a mass market as 1c, that there are vacancies in every district center. It is solved remotely (after the initial development of the profession).
`What do you need to study to be a front-end developer?`
If you have experience in commercial development on anything, including 1c, you can not study anything, they will take it anyway.
`What technologies and at what level?`
If you really want to, then you should learn only JavaScript itself and nothing more.
`What frameworks are trending now?`
React, Vue, Angualar. But teaching them ahead of time is a bad idea.
`Is it easy to find a junior vacancy?`
I found it easily. I didn’t even really look, they found me, hh.
ʻIs it true that technology on the front is changing so rapidly at a breakneck pace that it results in endless learning and retraining? What do you need to learn at work, after work and weekends to the detriment of the family in order to do at least something?`
Not true. JavaScript written 20 years ago will still run in modern browsers. The underlying technologies change only incrementally, while maintaining backward compatibility. You do not need to learn anything special, only in the process of performing work tasks.
`And describe the advantages of the front relative to 1s, what are the advantages and disadvantages, what is easier to learn and who is easier to work with?`
Oh, there are a lot of them. You work exclusively with open source, many skills are portable between languages ​​and platforms (git, IDE, unit testing, html / css). The tools themselves are much better, you don't have to wait five minutes to save the configuration and update the database. The specialization is much narrower. This is less stress and the value as a specialist grows faster. Odiners are mostly analysts, designers, backenders and frontenders rolled into one.
It is much more difficult to study 1s at the expert level, it takes ten years. At the same time, the salary is the same or slightly higher than that of those with 3 years of experience. There is no particular ceiling in the front, salary grows along with skills, with a very small time lag.
You feel calmer and more confident in the long term, because there is no rigid link to the CIS economy and the wooden ruble.
Now on the reactor, before that there was a twist. It's not essential.
Yes, of course, you need to type. But that's 10% of the work. And the old IE died, only the 11th remained, it is quite possible to live with it, it knows how to flexbox. And even with him it is necessary to work already a little. CSS modules or css-in-js solve the problem of global css. Layout is not a problem these days.
100 tr. for a person who already knows how, of course, it is quite simple, even remotely. You can count on much more. According to my feelings, nowhere is a career made with lightning speed, as in the front. In the back, years to senior are needed. On the front for a year and a half. I would advise you to post a resume, and you will find out everything yourself, they don’t take money for this.
Oh yeah. I also moved to the web. back in 2014. So now it is clearly not June. And I never regret. 1s is not a quiet job. Have to be nervous. And 1C programmers themselves are angrier than web programmers. What a kind person you are - you can immediately see it is no longer a 1s-nick
Thank you. But the only cool thing I did was that I decided that I moved to the web.
No, Java itself as a language is disgusting compared to JavaScript/Typescript.
Yes, Scala is there, but you still have to go through Java and constantly deal with it.
And there is simply no such movement, such demand, it will take much longer to junit up to normal salaries.
The development department by itself will not help. There are opportunities to learn and improve on any project. It helps to go beyond the comfort zone, to force yourself to use not only the usual tools and techniques, but also new ones.
React or View - there is not much difference, and in terms of money too. Moreover, in many cases, the developer himself chooses what to do on the front.

H, 2019-10-19

Go to paid / free courses with a large galley and try to prove yourself on them, then you will be taken for an internship, if everything works out, where you will continue to prove yourself. WEB can now be considered the de facto standard for any GUI software, so don't even look at mobile phones. And by the way, it doesn’t matter what you choose: Java/.NET/Python/Node.js/Rails, you will also deal with dockers with jenkins and at least bootstrap with dzhekyuveri. There is nothing to choose, now everything is more or less the same.
ps There is a crazy demand for DevOps now, but there are not enough staff.
But for my taste, the minimum knowledge for DevOps is higher than the minimum for developers.

CityCat4, 2019-10-20

Oh, God, again... The toaster turns into a free psychologist for overgrown people...
If you don't care what to do, if only "near the computer" - go to 1C. Of course, there will be no super salaries, but you can break into the middle peasants - if you know at least the basics of accounting, financial management and warehouses. 1C is supported by an army of French doing the dirty work.
You can also go to the offices of legal bases - Guarantor, Consultant - go to the offices (here the presence of a car will be a plus) and update the bases.
You can eventually get a job in an office that sells kits :)
Why didn't I say anything about programming? Because no chance. A forty-year-old June can only be taken by pull. Not, of course, there are government agencies where they sometimes take with minimal experience and minimal requirements - but there it’s true and the pay is minimal.

lukoie, 2019-10-19

Damn, what, again? There have already been such questions. That's exactly what they are. And also a lot of text.
Take that any area, you won’t follow the trends, the project manager or team leader or owner will just cut the tasks for you.
Go to some office, and just do the work, and in what area it will be - it doesn’t matter at all. Usual routine work.

iMaximus, 2019-10-19

I think the sphere is very individual, I myself started at the age of 32 with obj c as an administrator, my eyes almost leaked out at first. If there are no specific preferences, you can start with python, the scope is huge, the language is relatively easy. web at 37, and in general, I do not advise.

vesuvi, 2019-10-20

Many letters, did not master.
There is a beaten track: an analyst (sql, excel, any BI, sprinkle with basic economics and elementary mathematics at the 7th grade level, vba is not needed) - you are an analyst. Then catch up with Python and theorver, dig into the statistics - you are a sintist. You will have to learn a lot and constantly - the list is far from complete - but not immediately;)

mstrepetov, 2019-10-24

If you are a person ready for changes in life, not only in words, but also in deeds, then just take it and do it. Despite everything. I talk about it this way because if you really want to write code, you will do it anyway and no doubts will stop you. If initially there are a bunch of dubious thoughts as brakes, they say I'm 37, they say I'm not a candidate of exact sciences, I can't draw and write scripts, then of course you shouldn't start. But only because of the mood. After all, you can judge like that, I’m 37, which means I won’t waste time on nothing, but I will gain the necessary experience, I’m not a candidate of exact sciences, which means I will perform tasks not related to the trajectories of space shuttles, I don’t know how to draw and write scripts, so I will write code for screenwriters and artists.
As for 1C, this is a great option to enter the profession and this is programming. The fact is that accounting or knowledge of the methodology of settlement mechanisms is not necessary. Higher mathematics, as a rule, too. There are a large number of 1C projects and they are not directly related to accountants. For example Documentation. Or managing retail stores (management accounting). But 1C is no longer a wretched code in Russian (you can write immediately in English), it is not a simple enough framework. It's just an accounting platform and the tasks are mainly accounting. But they can be quite complex and interesting. For example, exchange between databases through a non-1C sql database, using 1C as an API for a website or mobile application, and much more. At least 1C nickname (good) is a very good IT specialist.
Mobile platforms are very cool and, in general, quite real. But, it is very important to understand what you want to achieve. Not in the sense of writing code cool, it's very abstract, but what kind of project I want to implement. Decompose a big project into small tasks and win little by little.
Although, to be honest with myself, the answer to the question "What do I want?" or "What do I need it for?" should already be in your head. If only for the sake of the "prospects" of the industry and the RFP, then nothing will work. It is important to love your profession.
I answered this way, because I myself entered the profession at 35+ and the education is identical to yours. Now I mainly work with 1C in a very large Russian corporation. I'm also interested in the iOS mobile platform, so there's a bit of implementation there too. In my experience, I can say that there are not enough real specialists. There are a lot of populists and self-promoters, like in words I am Leo Tolstoy... With a serious approach to work and education, you will be in demand. But do not think about mountains of gold, there will be a lot of interesting and time-consuming work. Sometimes without TK (this is a disease mainly 1C, but not always). This is constant learning. CONSTANTLY. Do not be afraid of anything and not Gods burn pots.

Alexander Skusnov, 2019-10-19

Tilda designer and a few more courses

ITlatip, 2019-10-19

WEB - design, Layout, or 3D modeling. It's relatively easy

ittakir, 2019-10-20

There is another option, especially for people who are not experienced in programming.
This is the creation of robots for algorithmic trading on the stock exchange. Unlike working as a programmer, here the area of ​​​​knowledge in programming can be very small. It is more important to understand the essence of the market.
There is a very interesting site https://www.quantopian.com/ It has a built-in environment for developing your own algorithms in Python. And there is even competition. If your algorithm meets certain criteria and trades better than others, this site will give you real money.
The beauty of algorithmic trading is that your earnings are unlimited. You can live in your Barnaul and earn millions a month. No ordinary programmer can do this.

Vitaly Maliy, 2019-10-20

Without any courses and with a secondary education, you can be taken to any provider's office, where you will follow requests and connect to the Internet, than not IT. Of the benefits:
1. Not boring mobile work (we immediately exclude hemorrhoids, a sore back and a convex lower abdomen).
2. Constant work with network equipment
3. Improving communication skills
4. New acquaintances, shabashki, real money.
At the same time, learn English, get ready for certification in cisco and mikrotik.

Pashka23, 2019-10-21

1. Igrostroy - if on the pluses, then definitely not.
2. BigData, AI - IMHO the norms are an option, the industry is quite young and there are few serious specialists.
3. 1C-xs, but with an economic tower, it is possible.
4. Web - xs
5. DB, SQL - xs
6. Mobile - I would study swift. This is a high demand + a specific industry and when applying (especially to small offices) there is even no one to seriously interview the applicant. They ask general things and see if the person is sane. For an age candidate, that's it.
7. Pro QA / QC - the most realistic option of all listed.

homo_habilis, 2019-10-24

TC, the topic has actually been raised and exaggerated not only here, but also on the Internet. Let's face it - you're 37 years old. Well, do you know how to reinstall Windows there or change kits on your computer when they burn - damn it, you won’t surprise anyone with this now.
Programming is a completely different process. You know, here's a paradox - there are a lot of IT specialists, but few programmers. Either the brains are not enough, or they do not take on the first job.
Now there is an insane amount of joons. Young, FREE and promising. In the eyes of the employer, you are just another switcher from this crazy IT hype. Yes, your resume will not even be considered by 99%. What for? I can hire a 20 year old than a 37 year old with a midlife crisis who thinks he will make +100500 money in programming. I'll tell you a secret - if this is not Moskvabad and Putinburg, then in the regions the salaries of programmers are almost equal to other specialties, and at the initial level, even much lower.
1c - yes, they can come in, but they won’t take you to the franch. Believe me, young meat is needed there, and you yourself will fall off. You can watch tasks yourself on 1s Lancer, learn from them, solve tasks from Spets on the Chistov forum and then something, yes you can.
In general, I wrote a stereotypical view of the age-old junior switchers. Your chances of getting a job are almost nil.

Igor Ivanov, 2019-10-26

Good afternoon.
First, I don't think your age is a problem. The only thing - maybe a little less speed of assimilation of knowledge. But this is individual. Secondly, if your situation allows you to try, spend some time learning, then everything is OK - you have to try. If you don't try, you won't know. For a resume and for the most effective positioning in the market, you need to present all your experience in a favorable light. For example, they were related to the economy - you can quickly understand and suggest improvements in the application logic for this part of some medium-sized office. In general, your analytical skills will add a plus. You need to analyze all your competencies and their potential applicability in the IT field.
You can also do this. Find a remote non-development job, such as content management and not too complicated administration, and study at the same time, do a few web development projects. And then, with a portfolio and new knowledge, apply for a transfer to another position within the same company or send responses to a bunch of others. Junior can find work on a remote basis and will be able to work if he knows how to study. Next - keep your finger on the pulse all the time and deepen your knowledge until the very end of life, that is, up to 100 years. So I wish you good luck!

Anton Alex, 2020-01-09

I graduated from a university with a degree in mathematics, worked as a 1C programmer for 3 years after graduation. I don't understand why you are 37 in IT. I don't think you understand either. I changed my job as a programmer at 27 and have no regrets. Several times after that I tried again because of the money, but I still do something else now. I advise you to think carefully about what you already know how to do by your 37. What knowledge and skills can you sell. If you don’t change your mind about going to IT, then choose a specialization only through the prism of this knowledge and skills, so as not to start from scratch.

MDSman87, 2022-02-01

Greetings. It's been 2 years now, how did it end? What choice did you make? How is it going?

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