parusa2021-12-08 10:25:01
C++ / C#
parusa, 2021-12-08 10:25:01

What are the rotation modes?

I read, combed through everything and did not find anywhere what are the rotation modes
DORotate(new Vector3(...),1,RotateMode. ?)
The only one I found is RotateMode. Fast
Are there any more?

we are talking about the DG.Tweening asset

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1 answer(s)
GFX Data, 2021-12-08


mode Indicates the rotation mode.
Fast (default): the rotation will take the shortest route and will not rotate more than 360°.
FastBeyond360: The rotation will go beyond 360°.
WorldAxisAdd: Adds the given rotation to the transform using world axis and an advanced precision mode (like when using transform.Rotate(Space.World)). In this mode, the end value is always considered relative.
LocalAxisAdd: Adds the given rotation to the transform's local axis (like when rotating an object with the "local" switch enabled in Unity's editor or using transform.Rotate(Space.Self)). In this mode, the end value is always considered relative.

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