Aleksandr Demshin2015-09-19 22:25:56
Software testing
Aleksandr Demshin, 2015-09-19 22:25:56

What are the methods of testing mobile applications?

More specifically, the problem can be described as follows.
There is an app on Google Play and the AppStore. For them, it is necessary to draw up a testing methodology and conduct comprehensive testing in accordance with it.
I would be grateful for links or a brief description of the techniques.

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1 answer(s)
Yuri Yarosh, 2015-09-19

Acceptance testing (e2e) is usually done through Selenium, specifically Appium . I try so that the same tests can be used for testing both in iOS and in Android. Functional testing for Android is slightly different - there is an opportunity to run tests directly in a virtual machine through Robolectric , which is usually how services are tested in android. For iOS testing I usually use Cedar or Slephnir

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