Michael2021-03-12 17:31:24
Web servers
Michael, 2021-03-12 17:31:24

What are the lectures, lessons, tutorials on creating your own web server for IoT devices?

I am writing a diploma on the topic "smart home". I chose it because the area of ​​the Internet of things is interesting.
Now the question is to create your own local server, which would unite all devices within the same Wi-Fi network.

I have a simple server, Node.js and express

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send({ msg: 'Hello!' });

app.get('/users', (req, res) => {
  res.send({ msg: 'Hello user!' });

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Running on port: 3000'));

Which I broadcast to the network using ngrok

AND a NodeMCU board that accepts json from that server.

Code for the board:
#include <Arduino.h>

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFiMulti.h>

#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>

#include <WiFiClient.h>

ESP8266WiFiMulti WiFiMulti;

void setup() {

  // Serial.setDebugOutput(true);


  for (uint8_t t = 4; t > 0; t--) {
    Serial.printf("[SETUP] WAIT %d...\n", t);

  WiFiMulti.addAP("wi-fi", "pass");   //здесь указываю wi-fi и пароль


void loop() {
  // wait for WiFi connection
  if ((WiFiMulti.run() == WL_CONNECTED)) {

    WiFiClient client;

    HTTPClient http;

    Serial.print("[HTTP] begin...\n");
    if (http.begin(client, "сюда вставляю url от ngrok")) { // HTTP

      Serial.print("[HTTP] GET...\n");
      // start connection and send HTTP header
      int httpCode = http.GET();

      // httpCode will be negative on error
      if (httpCode > 0) {
        // HTTP header has been send and Server response header has been handled
        Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... code: %d\n", httpCode);

        // file found at server
        if (httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK || httpCode == HTTP_CODE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) {
          String payload = http.getString();
      } else {
        Serial.printf("[HTTP] GET... failed, error: %s\n", http.errorToString(httpCode).c_str());

    } else {
      Serial.printf("[HTTP} Unable to connect\n");


At the output, I get the following:

Let's say I have a motion sensor in my apartment, a temperature sensor, and I want them to send data to my server, and that, in turn, to my phone. How to achieve this? What to read on the topic?
Throw off interesting topics, I will be glad to any information. Thanks

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1 answer(s)
Vasily Bannikov, 2021-03-12

or use mqtt whichever is more optimal.

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