globuser2015-01-06 21:08:23
IT education
globuser, 2015-01-06 21:08:23

What are the free services and sites for learning English (communication, correspondence, conversation)?

I looked through all the questions on the toaster, but I would like to clarify more:
- what are the Internet services \ sites for learning English
- it is desirable that there be free access and training
- the ability to communicate with colleagues, fellow students, students, native speakers
- the level from technical English to conversational household
- what can you recommend for pumping English, if there is little free time for learning

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17 answer(s)
Yuri Shikanov, 2015-01-06


kapai69, 2015-01-06

I use Duolingo

FoxInSox, 2015-01-06

Not a service, but a couple of tips that personally helped me and continue to help:

  • talk to yourself. It sounds strange, but in essence a conversation with oneself is no different from a conversation with an interlocutor. Moreover, you can simulate exactly the conversation that seems more difficult to you.
  • read more. When you read, you pronounce the entire text in your mind, and this is very useful as well.

Sergey Krasnodemsky, 2015-01-06


ppskmg, 2015-01-07

I advise lingualeo (referral) , I took a gold status from them for a year 900 rubles. (free can also be used, but there are some restrictions).
It is very convenient to learn 20–100 words a day, they are quite well remembered, there are grammar and transcription courses, a lot of training videos, all words are spoken to memorize pronunciation.
Words for study are divided into topics / types, you can add your own words + a browser extension can be installed to poke at strangers and send them for study, there is a sentence constructor. The application is available for ios / android, but there are more options through the browser.
In general, a cool service of 2-4 hours a day, I spend it quite excitingly, the progress is tangible.
As for “-the ability to communicate with colleagues, fellow students, students, native speakers”, there is a social component in it, but I didn’t feel how everything works there, I think it’s better for you to come and see.

Anton, 2015-01-09

I took it out for myself.
1) learn the basic words used in everyday life and news
2) start listening to speeches and courses: At first, it’s not clear, you try to catch familiar words, but you need to catch the meaning of sentences by clenching your teeth. The trick is that 70 percent of understood words are enough to understand the meaning: the rest is caught from the context and you can start climbing into the dictionary with a growing level.
The main thing is to take interesting materials in English. About clenching your teeth, not in the sense of "it hurts me, but I endure", but you just need to understand that the brain is a lazy ass that will not waste resources on the formation of connections. The main thing is the buzz that gives rise to motivation - endorphins. For me, these are different podcasts, especially where they share interesting experiences, and in Russian such a rarity. But even here, with insufficient connections in the brain (experience-knowledge) or perseverance, after 20-30 minutes you begin to get distracted and think about other things. It is better to take a breather or occupy yourself with something else, and then wedged into the topic again. It is better to listen to speech for an hour or more a day, and most importantly, do not give up for the first 15-20 days. At least I feel progress.

Roman, 2015-02-02

In order to speak, you need to learn to understand and listen well.
I advise a good site from the Canadian School of Foreign Languages. The teachers are great and access is free. www.engvid.com

ZeXeDeR, 2015-02-12

Here you can find interlocutors - www.conversationexchange.com
And here - englishneverstops.tumblr.com/gettingstarted
Everything is free.

Nat, 2017-03-21

I recommend the Tandem mobile app, which allows you to improve both written and spoken English.

kristinka10, 2018-05-07

For learning English, I can recommend an excellent site https://enjoyenglish-blog.com

neo44, 2020-05-25

You can chat in chats such as https://myspeak.asia/ru/english/, both with native speakers and with other students, I already communicate there, raise the level. The more you communicate, the better you know!

fLY7er, 2015-01-08

I advise you to look at the site englishtips.org

Sergey Borisenko, 2015-01-08

Recently, I was also interested in such a question, rummaged through a bunch of sites and eventually chose the following:
- busuu ;
- livemocha ;
- lingq .

Dmitry Filandor, 2015-01-15

take a look, in the article there are three powerful resources that reduce years of study into weeks, well, and general recommendations you probably know - effective and fast learning of foreign languages

seryozha is so, 2015-01-15

www.malibu.io is a rather playful option, but it tends to increase vocabulary.

Yuri Gribanov, 2015-01-25

I also ran into this problem some time ago. I searched and finally found the resource I wanted: Interpals is what you need if you want to practice your English in the process of communication.

brian789, 2016-08-10

italki is good, just correspondence

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