Slav1n2017-03-02 17:42:41
Slav1n, 2017-03-02 17:42:41

What are the default user rights in Ubuntu?

Is the user created during Ubuntu installation the root user or just a user in the sudo group? Is it safe to continue using it on the production server, or is it better to create a separate user in the sudo group?

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2 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2017-03-02

The root user (whatever you call it) has UID=0, and there can only be one.
Everyone else is a sudo user.
Your user is most likely added to sudo by default.
You can run the
id command
and see your UID and your groups

Dmitry, 2017-03-02

It's just that this user is added to the sudo group by default.

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