expressrus2017-08-18 09:32:25
expressrus, 2017-08-18 09:32:25

What are the cloud build services for .net desktop projects?

Let's say I have a private repo on bitbucket with a VS project on windows desktop. With each push, the service must collect a project from the repo and publish it, for example, to my ftp. The only thing I have already found is https://appharbor.com/ but maybe there are other more interesting options?
ps preferably free advise for one small project)

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2 answer(s)
Ivan Arxont, 2017-08-18

Look at https://www.appveyor.com/
PS: IMHO, it's better to take a ready-made CI system and deploy it at home or on a hosting, the same TeamCity.

Alexander, 2017-08-24


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